You are who you are … right? Wrong! You are who you think you are! That’s what self-fulfilling prophesy is all about. If you think you can, you will. If you think you can’t, you won’t. It’s as simple as that.
Read MoreYou are who you are … right? Wrong! You are who you think you are! That’s what self-fulfilling prophesy is all about. If you think you can, you will. If you think you can’t, you won’t. It’s as simple as that.
Read MoreYou have learnt that being left- or right-brained dominant can predispose you to certain skills and failings. Let’s take that concept one step further …..
Read MoreAlthough it would be great to be a whole-brained person, that is, a person who uses their left-brain and right-brain about the same, but the fact is that most people are prone to using one side in preference to the other. The question is: Does it matter which side of the brain is predominant?
Read MoreNo such thing as a mistake? I bet you’re thinking, Yeah, right! I am willing to bet that the thought which flashed through your mind featured the Biggest Mistake of All Time. I am also willing to bet that if I gave you just five minutes, you could fill an entire sheet of paper with all the mistakes you feel you made in your life – from the time you were a tiny tot to the present day.
Read MoreI have always said that not only do we travel on Life’s Highway, but also that Life itself is a highway … just give me a moment, and I’ll explain why. In fact, the expression “Life’s highways and byways” takes on a whole new meaning when you apply the driving code to it!
Read MoreInfluence. What does it mean? It means the ability to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone. That being the case, an influential person in your life would be a person who can affect your character, development or behaviour … your friend.
Read MoreYour use of time can truly make or break you. You can either get more done in less time or less done in far more time than it's worth! How you spend your time is vital to your success … and your sanity. If you struggle with time management, perhaps it's time to take a look at some tips to help
Read MoreIf you find often find yourself wishing you could get more done, you’re not alone. Whether you want to do more in the same amount of time, need more motivation for getting stuff done, or are looking to reduce the amount of time you waste in a day, these simple habits can help you improve your productivity.
Read MoreOver the years, I have heard two questions so many times that I’ve lost count. One of them is: “How do I become a successful person?” The other is “How can I become rich and successful?”
Read MoreHave you ever been asked to do something or go somewhere or ‘do a favour’ and have wanted to say ‘no’ but said ‘yes’ instead? Then you’d be in good company! This simple, two-letter word is one of the hardest words to say!
Read MoreIf you want to achieve success (in whatever way YOU define success), and have the life YOU want, then living in the present – the now – is incredibly important for you, and here’s why ….
Read MoreIs walking a form of meditation? If so, what are the benefits?
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